The pre-wedding festivities of Anant Ambani are making headlines on the social media. Well, Anant Ambani’s pre-wedding celebration is a huge star-studded affair. The Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani’s invited all the international business tycoons, sports stars and Bollywood celebrities at his house in Jamnagar, Gujrat. Mukesh Ambani’s son Anant Ambani will be getting married to Viren Merchant’s daughter, Radhika Merchant, in the end of 2024. The couple is currently celebrating the pre-wedding events in their hometown with close friends and family members.
Bollywood stars seemed to be excited for the pre wedding festivities and chose the best outfits of the top Indian designers for the special day.
Well, a few Bollywood celebrities preferred wearing Pakistani designers’ outfits. The famous actors including Sonam Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor were spotted wearing Pakistan’s top designer Faraz Manan and Hussais Rehar. Mira Kapoor also wore Faraz Manan outfit. The designer has posted pictures of Indian celebrities as well. Previously, Kareena Kapoor, Sridevi, Kiara Advani and Shah Rukh Khan chose to wear Pakistani designers. Recently, we saw Palak Tiwari and Sonam Bajwa in Pakistani brands’ campaigns as well.
Ranbir Kapoor In Faraz Manan
Arjun Kapoor In Faraz Manan
Mira Kapoor In Faraz Manan
Designer Jiya Mehta Jatiya In Faraz Manan
Sonam Kapoor in A Casual Jugnu Lahore Outfit by Hussain Rehar
Anil Kapoor Wife Sunita In Iqbal Hussain Outfit
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