There is a famous saying that it takes a village to raise a child and it is totally true. Rearing a child to their full potential is very important and it takes a lifetime for parents to achieve this goal. Teaching a child to be obedient, confident and self-sufficient is what every parent wants but the road to achieving this is not easy. Nowadays we are witnessing many behavioural issues among children due to changing family structures or increased screen times and parents want to know how this can be corrected.
During Good Morning Pakistan today, a lady discussed the same situation where her son has started becoming rude and he hits even her when they are in public gatherings. She said that people talk against them when something like this happens and she is not sure how to control her child’s behaviour.
The expets said that kids behave this way when they are not able to properly communicate with words. Thus, teaching children to correctly share their feelings through words is important. Plus involving kids in chores like telling them to help in dusting or engaging them while cooking makes them feel important and their behaviour calms.
Here is what they shared:
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