Trump ‘orchestrated criminal conspiracy to corrupt 2016 election’

Donald Trump orchestrated a criminal conspiracy to “corrupt” the 2016 presidential election, prosecutors claimed, as opening statements were heard in the former president’s “hush money” case.

Matthew Colangelo, prosecuting, said Mr Trump had falsified business records to conceal payments to Stormy Daniels, an adult film star, and cover up an affair with her.

The Trump campaign feared a story involving the alleged relationship would have been “devastating” to his electoral prospects, he said, after the Republican was recorded making crude remarks on an episode of “Access Hollywood”.

Michael Cohen, Mr Trump’s lawyer and “fixer”, allegedly paid Ms Daniels to stay quiet and was reimbursed by his boss in what were recorded as legal fees. “It was election fraud, pure and simple,” Mr Colangelo added.

He claimed the then-Republican candidate entered into a conspiracy with Mr Cohen and David Pecker, a former publishing executive, to “catch and kill” negative stories about him.

He said the men “struck a deal” at a meeting in which they “conspired to influence the 2016 presidential election”.

However, Todd Blanche, acting for the defence, argued: “There’s nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. It’s called democracy.”

He said that Ms Daniels “saw her chance to make a lot of money”  before the election by signing a non-disclosure agreement, and had  “no idea” about documents central to the case.

“Her testimony, whilst salacious, does not matter”, Mr Blanche argued.

He said that Mr Cohen, another potential witness in the trial, “cannot be trusted” because he had “talked extensively about his desire to see President Trump go to prison”.

Mr Trump faced forward for most of the prosecution’s opening statement, but turned to watch Mr Blanche as he addressed the jury.

The former president walked out of court looking stony-faced, trailed by his team of lawyers and security, once opening statements had concluded.

Earlier on Monday, Mr Trump called on his supporters to stage protests at courts around the country as he arrived at Manhattan Criminal Court for the second week of his trial.

“America Loving Protesters should be allowed to protest at the front steps of Courthouses, all over the Country, just like it is allowed for those who are destroying our Country on the Radical Left,” he wrote on his Truth Social platform.

“Free Speech and Assembly has been ‘chilled’ for USA supporters. Go out and peacefully protest… Save our country!”

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